Block and Counter Drill

Hello students!

I know the block and counter still can be challenging, particularly to practice at home. Here is a video to help. It breaks down both sides of the block and counter drill individually and with a partner. I hope you find it useful.

Taekwondo Class

Here is a video of a basic Taekwondo class that covers the foundation material needed to pass through your lower ranks. The format is one in which you can play the video and follow along. This is helpful if you are on vacation and cannot make it to class, or if you would like to get an idea of what a Northampton Martial Arts class is like before coming in to view it or try it out.

How to Stretch with the Si-Stretcher

This video is dedicated to demonstrating how to use the Si-Stretcher. A very useful stretching device. Here I show a wide variety of positions and applications for the device. You can get your own Si-Stretcher at and you can see more applications at Please note that these positions are only suggestions and inspirations. You should consult your doctor of physician before you attempt any sort of new physical activity. If you experience any pain while using the Si-Stretcher you should stop and talk to a doctor to find out why. Stretching should be uncomfortable but not painful.