To correctly tie your belt for Taekwon-do:

- At one end measure 1 forearms length of belt and hold it at that point right infant of your belly button.
- Wrap the longer end around your body all the way so that the longer piece crosses over the piece held against your belly button.
- Wrap the longer end around your body a second time until it also crosses over the belly button
- Take the top longer piece and run it under both piece of the belt from the bottom up and out the top of the circled belt.
- Hold the two tie pieces out in front of you. Notice that one is on top and once is on the bottom.
- Hold the bottom piece out and still. It will not move until you finish the next step
- Take the top piece, cross it over the bottom, wrap it around the bottom piece and push it through the hold created by the wrap.
- Take both pieces, making sure that they are not twisted and jerk the knot tight.